For Advisors

Information for advisors on study in Japan.

As an advisor, you are a source of guidance for your students in the KCP International Intensive Japanese Language and Culture program. Here are resources and information to assist your students as they prepare to study abroad with KCP.

Academic Program

Students pursue two courses at KCP: Intensive Japanese Language and Japanese Culture. The student receives a holistic language education via the Direct Method, or total immersion. Understanding of Japanese culture is taught through lectures and organized excursions to notable Tokyo destinations.

For more information, please see Academics.


The KCP program is open to all full-time undergraduate students regardless of their field of study; to postgraduate students; and to adult professionals.

  • Minimum age requirement is 18
  • Student must be college-level, post-college, or adult professional.
  • Grades at least 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale

For more, see Eligibility.

Terms of Study

Students can begin their study with KCP at any of its term start times. KCP offers four term options: Semester Program, Extended Program, Academic Year Program, and Summer Short Term Program.

For more, see Terms of Study.
For program dates and application deadlines, see Schedule.

Academic Credit

Academic credit is available for the KCP International Japanese Language School program if the student applies initially through a sponsor university. (Retroactive credit is not available.) The student can earn one year or more of language credit each term (either semester or quarter). Courses appear on the sponsoring university transcript about 30 days after the student has completed the term.

For more, see Academic Credit.

Course Equivalencies

On arrival at KCP, students take a placement exam to determine their appropriate class level.  Of course, students are individuals: it is entirely possible that two students from the same U.S. university who’ve taken the same courses may end up in different KCP class levels.  We defer to university staff on how to represent this in academic credit and course equivalencies.

For recommended course equivalency and to preview sample compositions composed by students towards the end of each level, please download Language Course Equivalencies.


KCP school policies are discussed in depth during student orientation, covering issues such as attendance, registration changes, academic expectations, and sources of help.


KCP costs are very affordable even as it maintains the high standards of the program. For a breakdown of the KCP direct costs, see Costs.

KCP Grade Report

When a student has successfully completed the program, KCP provides a grade report for the school though which the student is enrolled (KCP sponsor or affiliate university). These affiliate or sponsor schools will transcript the courses. Credits appear as semester credit hours, except in the case of Western Washington University, which is on a quarter credit system.

To make transfer easier for students and your school registrar, we can also report grades in other ways. We can provide a grade report directly to an advisor at a student’s home university. However, to do this, we need advance notice from you or the student. If the registrar at your school will accept a KCP grade report directly, then please have your student tell us the contact information and where to send the grade report on program completion. They should give us this information shortly after their initial application is accepted by KCP.

Financial Aid, Resources

Financial aid is available through our sponsor and affiliate universities. Grants, loans, and other forms of aid can also apply in many circumstances towards the KCP program for full-time, credit-bearing study.

For more, see Financial Aid and Financial Resources.

Health and Safety

We encourage students to have complete physical and dental examinations before traveling abroad. They should review and update routine immunizations as needed. The family doctor can administer vaccinations. If your student takes prescription medicine regularly, advise him or her to bring enough of a supply to last for the entire stay. For more, see Health Planning.

We make all efforts to maintain the safety of KCP students throughout their stay in the program. Precautionary measures are in place to keep the school environment as secure as possible. Your student should also always be alert and prepared for any unlikely contingencies. For great tips on how students can stay safe overseas, see Planning for Safety.


In addition to your student’s own health insurance, KCP provides students with minor medical and accident coverage for the duration of the program. However, KCP coverage is a “top up” policy only. Students must be insured through another insurance policy while in Japan or while on any independent travel excursion. It is the student’s responsibility to secure additional coverage before departing for Japan.

For more, see Health Insurance.

Site Visits

We have a fully equipped school with excellent facilities and dedicated faculty and staff. We invite you—advisors or faculty—to visit and observe our program activities first-hand. Tours of the school, dorms, and lunch and/or dinner with the Principal and Executive Director are all available to you. The next time you are in Tokyo, do come and visit KCP International. If you are interested, please complete this information request form. Someone will respond to you shortly.

Custom programs

We offer the opportunity for faculty at US Universities to arrange and work with us to customize exciting programs that meet your specifications. These programs are typically offered in the summer and involve two weeks of intensive Japanese language training, followed by two weeks of  customized study. KCP staff will provide accommodation and local transportation for you and your students, offer classroom space for lectures, and help with logistics such as arranging site visits.

Information Requests

To find out more about the KCP program, please use an information request form.

KCP Resources

Spend the Winter In Japan

See the beauty of Japan this Winter and learn the Japanese language in the heart of Tokyo. Application Deadline: October 11. Apply today!

Learn More >

Student Life

Past and present students share their thoughts and experiences on studying in Japan.

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Because I am a huge fan of research and spreadsheets, I created an excel worksheet comparing numerous Japanese study abroad programs by cost, housing, length of study, and many other comparison points. Overall, KCP came out superior based on the amount of things that you get for the price. After completing the program, I can say choosing KCP was a perfect decision. KCP is a real school — professional teachers, strict grading systems, textbooks – the whole package. KCP proved to be much more than I expected – the classes are tough, but it taught me how to work harder, build a work ethic, and I am coming out with many rich experiences thanks to KCP. This school truly prepares you for higher levels and entrance into Japanese colleges.

—Rachel Burch