
Explore the culture, lifestyle, and excitement of studying abroad in Japan.

Study Abroad in Japan

With KCP International, you can earn more Japanese credit than you would in an entire year at your university. Plus, you can pick your start date!

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Mr. Kinoshita’s plan

KCP campus facade in Shinjuku

This is to inform you of Mr.Kinoshita’s intention for the KCP classes that will start up again tomorrow (Thursday). As an academic juridical member (gakkou houjin),…
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Read all about Japanese immersion learning and studying abroad. Check out our eZasshi archives for more articles!

KCP USA food package

KCP campus facade in Shinjuku

KCP USA has taken the lead and sent 2 big boxes full of instant noodles, granola bars, other snacks, and other non-perishable foodstuffs for our students in Tokyo….
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Good websites to check

KCP campus facade in Shinjuku

There is much news flying around about the earthquake, tsunami, explosions, and so on.  Here are some sources that tell you what you most want…
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Discover more of Japan

With KCP International, immerse yourself in the heart of Tokyo with a wide variety of courses, flexible schedules and convenient packages you keep your experience easy!

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Leaving early

New KCP library

The situation on the ground in Tokyo remains calm. Public and private organizations are back to work. Public schools are open. We are welcoming students…
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KCP Student Perspective

KCP classroom

We can’t deny that it wasn’t an easy experience for all of us American students currently enrolled at KCP, and certainly for all teachers and…
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